Dylan Simotes

Banner Illustration

Game Development

The Fish that took your Dad

You wash on the shore of an abandoned island. Your dad has been abducted by a mysterious fish and it is up to you to find him. Reel in a variety of sealife and do battle to catch them. This free roam RPG fishing game won the award for best digital game at Illinois State University's 2024 game showcase and was developed in under 4 months for my Creative Technologies capstone.

Dominion Domination

Take control of one of six kingdoms and battle it out for territorial control. Expand your kingdom and build structures. Maybe even fight for land. Your goal is to cover more of the board than your opponents within the turn limit. This is the first of two games created for my Creative Technologies capstone at Illinois State University.

ClueQuest: The Mystery Unraveled

In this card game, players must solve a series of riddles to solve a murder. Each riddle leads to a location in an amusement park. Guess right, and you recieve a clue. Guess wrong, however, and lose a life. Players compete to gather information and try to be the first to solve the case. This game was designed and created in under 48 hours for the ISU 2024 Serious Gamejam.

Deep Dark Web

Deep Dark Web brings unlikely combinations of ideas to bring an obsurd yet innovative experience. The player is trapped in a room with water rising progressively. Armed with nothing but an outdated desktop computer, the player must find a way to stop of water flow before it's too late. The game combines vaporwave aesthetics with retro models and UI to give an experience that's simultaniously calming and incredibly stressful.

Jump and Gun

Jump and Gun was developed for Game Design II at Illinois State University. It subverts traditional FPS design by putting an emphasis on tight platforming and close range combat. The game tests your ability to jump and shoot in tandem, progressively increasing in difficulty. The level ends in a boss battle putting are the skills learned to the test.